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FIM Lotus Domino Connector (5.3.1003.0) returns an "Invalid Argument" exception during configuration, why?


I am installing a FIM environment which will synchronization Active Directory contacts to a few different Lotus Domino mail address books.  

Using the the latest Hotfix version 5.3.1003.0 (KB2932635) of the Lotus Domino connector, I was able to configure a connector to the first Lotus Domino server (8.5.3 FP6) successfully.  

The next Lotus Domino server (9.0.1 FP3 HF42) allows a connection, and returns information on "Global Parameters", but when I navigate to "Configure Partitions and Hierarchies" the directory partitions list is empty and if I press the"Refresh" button, I get an exception "An error was encountered while refreshing domains: InvalidArgument=Value of '0' is not valid for 'index'. Parameter name: index"  as seen here:

I've check the Application and Forefront Identity Manager event logs , but there are no events corresponding to this exception. 

Also I can connect to this server using the Domino Notes Client 8.5 from the FIM Sync server and navigate the address book without issue.

I'm looking for suggestions on what to check next or how to get the partitions list populated to get past this page and complete the connector configuration.  

Password default to AD user on MVRule


Hi all,

I'm stuck at setting password for AD user by MVrule. I see we are totally able to create them by FIM Service & FIM portal but no idea if we have the same thing with MVrule?

Thanks a lot !

Updating an attribute at FIM on successful provision of a user to google MA.



I had a requirement. We are provisioning users from FIM to Google(Generic Rest API MA). There is an attribute 'att1' at FIM. I want to update that attribute on successful export(provision) into Google.

For example, If I am provisioning 4 users from FIM to Google, on two users got exported successfully and two got failed. In that case, fro success users i need to update 'att1' attribute to 'True' at FIM and for failed users i need to update false in "att1" attribute at FIM.

Can i know the proceedure to do that.



FIM SSPR quickstart MA run profiles


FIM SSPR quickstart has two MAs - FIMMA and ADMA. Associated with these MAs are three run profiles (actually five but generalizing) - Import, Sync and export.

Can someone please clarify what these do for each MA?

ADMA :  Import -> This creates holograms in AD connector space?

             Sync -> Syncs the AD connector space data with MV?

             Export - ??

FIMMA :  Import -> imports data from MV to fim connector space?

              sync -> syncs data with MV??

              export -> exports to FIM portal database?

Custom Object RCDC Issue


Hi All,

I have created a custom object and defined the RCDC for this object. I want same kind of control which we have for group under Members tab i.e. "Members To Add" and "Members To Remove".

I have used below control for this.


  <my:Control my:Name="ReadAccessToRemove" my:TypeName="UocIdentityPicker" my:Caption="Revoke Read Access" my:Description="Choose who to revoke the Read Access to the Shared Drive" my:RightsLevel="{Binding Source=rights, Path=ReadAccess}">
          <my:Property my:Name="Mode" my:Value="MultipleResult" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="Rows" my:Value="3" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="ObjectTypes" my:Value="Person" />       
          <my:Property my:Name="ColumnsToDisplay" my:Value="DisplayName,ObjectType" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="AttributesToSearch" my:Value="DisplayName, AccountName" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="Value" my:Value="{Binding Source=delta, Path=ReadAccess.Remove, Mode=TwoWay}" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="Filter" my:Value="/MyID_SharedDrive[ObjectID='%ObjectID%']/ReadAccess" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="ListViewTitle" my:Value="Select Members to Remove" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="PreviewTitle" my:Value="Select Members to Remove" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="SearchOnLoad" my:Value="true" /> 
           <my:Control my:Name="ReadAccessToAdd" my:TypeName="UocIdentityPicker" my:Caption="Grant Read Access" my:Description="Choose who to grant the Read Access to the Shared Drive" my:RightsLevel="{Binding Source=rights, Path=ReadAccess}">
          <my:Property my:Name="ColumnsToDisplay" my:Value="DisplayName,AccountName,EmployeeID" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="AttributesToSearch" my:Value="DisplayName,AccountName,EmployeeID" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="Mode" my:Value="MultipleResult" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="Rows" my:Value="3" /> 
          <my:Property my:Name="ObjectTypes" my:Value="Person" />       
          <my:Property my:Name="DefaultSearchScopeName" my:Value="~All Active Users" />      
          <my:Property my:Name="UsageKeywords" my:Value="AllActiveUsers" />      
          <my:Property my:Name="Value" my:Value="{Binding Source=delta, Path=ReadAccess.Add, Mode=TwoWay}" />       
          <my:Property my:Name="ResultObjectType" my:Value="Person" />   
          <my:Property my:Name="ListViewTitle" my:Value="Select Members to Add" />



After using above code, If I add or remove any user from these 2 control then nothing happens. I don't see any request created at all under Search Requests.

However same control works fine if I add/remove users through advance view. However as non-admin users can't see advance view button hence I need this to work in Normal view as well.

Can anyone please help me.

Let me know if you have any questions for me related to this issue.

Thanks in advance for help.

Sujit Kumar

Lync 2013 + PSMA


Hi Guys,

Trying to figure this out. I am using the PSMA to control Lync identities, importation is OK, but it's not projecting and nor exporting data to lync. There's something missing?

Here the scripts:


	$Username = "",
	$Password = "",
	$OperationType = "Full",
	[bool] $UsePagedImport,

# these delta properties are used for delta searches in Active Directory. When this script is called
# with the Delta operation type, it will only return users objects where one of the specified
# attributes has changed since last import
$DeltaPropertiesToLoad = @( "distinguishedname", "mail", "homemdb", "objectguid", "isdeleted", "samaccountname", "oksecondarymail" )

# the MASchemaProperties are the properties that this script will return to FIM on objects found
$MASchemaProperties = @( "mail", "samaccountname", "oksecondarymail" )

$rootdse = [adsi] "LDAP://RootDSE"
$searchroot = $rootdse.defaultnamingcontext
$domain = new-object system.directoryservices.directoryentry "LDAP://$searchroot", $username, $password

$Searcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher $Domain, "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person))", $DeltaPropertiesToLoad, 2
$searcher.tombstone = ($operationtype -match 'delta')
$searcher.cacheresults = $false

if ($OperationType -eq "Full" -or $RunStepCustomData -match '^$')
	# reset the directory synchronization cookie for full imports (or no watermark)
	$searcher.directorysynchronization = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysynchronization
	# grab the watermark from last run and pass that to the searcher
	$Cookie = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($RunStepCustomData)
	$SyncCookie = ,$Cookie # forcing it to be of type byte[]
	$searcher.directorysynchronization = new-object system.directoryservices.directorysynchronization $synccookie

$results = $searcher.findall()

$results = $results | where { $_.psbase.path -match 'OU=USERS,DC=DOMAIN,DC=LOCAL$' }

if ( $results -ne $null )
	foreach ($global:result in $results)
		# we always add objectGuid and objectClass to all objects
		$obj = @{}
		$obj.id = ([guid] $result.psbase.properties.objectguid[0]).tobytearray()
		$obj."[DN]" = $result.psbase.path -replace '^LDAP\://'
		$obj.objectClass = "user"
		if ( $result.Properties.Contains("isdeleted"))
			# this is a deleted object, so we return a changeType of 'delete'; default changeType is 'Add'
			$obj.changetype = "delete"
			if ( $operationtype -ne 'full' )
			# we need to get the directory entry to get the additional attributes since
			# these are not available if we are running a delta import (DirSync) and
			# they haven't changed. Using just the SearchResult would only get us
			# the changed attributes on delta imports and we need more, oooh, so much more
			$global:direntry = $result.getdirectoryentry()

			# special handled attribute
			$obj.'ismailboxenabled' = $direntry.properties.contains('homemdb')

			# always add the objectguid and objectsid
			$obj.objectguidstring = [string] ([guid] $result.psbase.properties.objectguid[0])
			$obj.objectsidstring = [string] ( New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($DirEntry.Properties["objectSid"][0], 0) )

			# add the attributes defined in the schema for this MA
			$maschemaproperties | foreach-object `
				write-debug $_
				if ( $direntry.properties.$_ )
					$obj.$_ = $direntry.properties[$_][0]

# grab the synchronization cookie value to use for next delta/watermark
# and put it in the $RunStepCustomData. It is important to mark the $RunStepCustomData
# as global, otherwise FIM cannot pick it up and delta's won't work correctly
$global:RunStepCustomData = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($Searcher.DirectorySynchronization.GetDirectorySynchronizationCookie())


	$username = "",
	$password = "",
	$domain = ""

	function log( $message )
		if ( $message )
			write-debug $message
			$message | out-file e:\logs\exchange-ps-export.log -append

	function set-actioninfo($message)
		if ( $message )
			$global:actioninfo = $message
			log -message $actioninfo
			write-debug $actioninfo
			$actioninfo = "general"

	log -message "begin export"

	$securepassword = convertto-securestring $password -asplaintext -force
	$creds = new-object -typename system.management.automation.pscredential($username, $securepassword)

	set-actioninfo "new-pssession"
	$session = new-pssession -connectionuri ('https://SERVER.DOMAIN.LOCAL/OcsPowershell') -credential $creds -debug
	import-pssession -session $session

	log -message "-- start export entry --"
	$identifier = $_."[Identifier]"
	$anchor = $_."[Anchor]"
	$dn = $_."[DN]"
	$objecttype = $_."[ObjectType]"
	$changedattrs = $_."[ChangedAttributeNames]"
	$attrnames = $_."[AttributeNames]"
	$objectmodificationtype = $_."[ObjectModificationType]"
	$objectguid = $_.objectguidstring

	# used to return status to sync engine; we assume that no error will occur
	set-actioninfo 'general'
	$errorstatus = "success"
	$errordetail = ""


	enable-csuser -registrarpool fepool.domain.local -id "domain\"+$accountname -sipaddress "sip:"+$mail
		$errorstatus = ( "{0}-error" -f $actioninfo )
		log -message "ERROR: $errorstatus"
		$errordetail = $error[0]

	# return status about export operation
	$status = @{}
	$status."[Identifier]" = $identifier
	$status."[ErrorName]" = $errorstatus
	$status."[ErrorDetail]" = $errordetail

	log -message "-- end export entry --"

	set-actioninfo "new-pssession"
	$null = remove-pssession -session $session
	log -message "end export"

Diego Shimohama

AD stopped-server caused by permission-issue ... need help


Dear all, I have an AD problem after upgrading to FIM 2010 R2 SP1 and patching the product to 4.1.3599.0. Currently we cannot export to AD because we got stopped-server with following error message in EventLog:

"BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(8254): 0x80230404 (The operation failed because the attribute cannot be found)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\shared\entry\tower.cpp(3989): 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\shared\entry\tower.cpp(12133): 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sqlstore\csobj.cpp(1833): 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
BAIL: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sync\expcall.cpp(905): 0x80004005 (Unspecified error)
ERR_: MMS(10216): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\server\sync\expbase.cpp(2957): PutAnchorWithDnInternal failed on CS object {249C6AC4-5DCB-4A7C-8AC8-D7F3CF7C437C} with 0x80004005 (pass 1 of 5)
Forefront Identity Manager 4.1.3599.0"

The second error found in EventLog directly after the first one is:
The management agent controller encountered an unexpected error.

 "BAIL: MMS(8628): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\cntrler\cntrler.cpp(10408): 0x8007007a (The data area passed to a system call is too small.)
BAIL: MMS(8628): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\cntrler\cntrler.cpp(5032): 0x8007007a (The data area passed to a system call is too small.)
BAIL: MMS(8628): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\cntrler\cntrler.cpp(3722): 0x8007007a (The data area passed to a system call is too small.)
ERR_: MMS(8628): d:\bt\37281\private\source\miis\shared\utils\libutils.cpp(10613): Unusual error code reported 0x8007007a
Forefront Identity Manager 4.1.3599.0"

After searching in the FIM DB we have found the mentioned object_id and this is a group. There is permission issue, so the error message.
But the user have all permissions in AD, so it could not be the problem.
After DIDS and one more Export there is no more stopped-server and the error message is now "dn-attributes-failure".
It is also very strange, that we cannot see import updates by doing FI!
We also found that the problem occurs when adding/removing user in an AD security group(add or remove member in the group object).

Does anybody had same/similar problems and knows any solution?
Thanks a lot!

Kind regards

AD Group Management users and admins


Hi Everyone,

I am having troubles with FIM/AD group management. We currently have our environment setup so that groups are managed through FIM but only for user accounts. If we were to FIM manage a group that had admin users in it the admins would be stripped out on the next sync, this is due to their admin account not existing in the FIM portal. Is my solution to get the admin accounts into portal? If so what is the best way to do that?

We have two ADMA's one for users the other for admins each linking back to different OUs in AD. To create an admin account we check a box on a users FIM account, provisioning logic fires and the account is created in the admin OU. On the sync the admin account is joined to the appropriate MV object. I could setup projection logic to project into FIM portal however it would have to be a different resource type other than 'person'. This causes an issue with criteria base FIM managed groups because you can only base criteria off of one resource type. For instance our department shares are all managed through FIM, the criteria being "Select 'User' that match all of the following conditions" You can do "Select 'User' and 'Admin' that match all of the following conditions".

This leads me to believe that the admin accounts would need to project as 'people' within portal. However this is not possible, due to their regular accounts already being joined to a 'person' objects, if I'm not mistaken.

Sets based off custom Attribute


So I am provisioning Security Groups to FIM based on a custom attribute, there are some other groups also located in the FIM portal. I am trying to create a Set for the groups based on the custom attribute, but I am not finding it my list of available attributes to make a criteria.

I probly am missing something simple. The attribute is already binded to the group and they are provisioning FIM into the portal.


Russell Lema

Using ObjectSID as relationship criteria in Syncronization Rules



I'm wondering if there's any issue with using an AD account's objectSID as the relationship criteria in my Outbound/Inbound Sync rule? Does anyone have any concerns?



FIM Synchronization Service Manager Service Stopped infrequently


Hi All,

FIM Synchronization Service Manager Service Stopped infrequently, When run the Full Sync of the SQL Management Agent, the service stopped automatically.The issue occur randomly, there are instance when the Full Sync run successfully. Kindly advice

Thanks and Regards,
RajaVillage Sync

Controlling Domain Admins



I have been asked to control 'Domain Admins' members in FIM.

For some reason, that I cannot figure out, the AD MA cannot see the membership of 2 specific users during import. The 2 users are in the connectorspace as user objects.

So, every time the MA exports I get an error, that the users are already members. But when importing, they are not there as members.

All other users in the group works just fine.

I guess it is a security problem, but I cannot figure out where the problem is.

anyone tried this?



Search scope FIM2010 R2



Is it possible to create a search scope with a search filter with referenced object. 

For example for users i want to look for a user whose the manager is ABC ? 

Is it possible ? 


March 2015 TechNet Guru Awards! See who's boss in FIM! It could be YOU!


The results for March's TechNet Guru competition were posted!


Below is a summary of the medal winners for December. The last column being a few of the comments from the judges.

Unfortunately, runners up and their judge feedback comments had to be trimmed from THIS post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit, however the full version is available on TechNet Wiki.

Some articles only just missed out, so we may be returning to discuss those too, in future blogs.

Guru Award BizTalk Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Steef-Jan WiggersBizTalk Server 2013 R2 Instrumenting an orchestration with ETWSandro Pereira: "Really nice article, I love it, nice use of the BizTalk CAT Instrumentation Framework. And once again, the article well detailed and excellent formated in terms of images and text format. Good work Steef-Jan."
Ed Price: "Fantastic depth in the Introduction, Scenario, and Wrap Up!"

Silver Award Winner

Steef-Jan WiggersView BizTalk Send Port SubcriptionsSandro Pereira: "Really useful script! Good job Steef-Jan."
Ed Price: "Good context setting in the introduction (the image helps a lot)!"

Guru Award Forefront Identity Manager Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Tracy Yu-MSFTThe Ultimate Tools to work ith RCDC in FIMSøren Granfeldt: "Very nice and a great help for all of us struggling with RCDC's"
AM: "Thanks for posting Tracy! RCDCs can be very frustrating to troubleshoot."

Silver Award Winner

Wim BeckFIM2010: Protect passwords in configuration filesSøren Granfeldt: "Nice technical explanation and good approach"
AM: "Far too many FIM environments I find plain text passwords stored in scripts - great contribution. Another helpful resource"

Guru Award Microsoft Azure Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

saramgsilvaAvoid Nightmares Using EF First Migration in Azure Mobile ServicesJH: "Another nice one from Sara. Definitely worth a look."
Ed Price: "I love the use of embedded links to the related library articles! And the article is rich with descriptions, well-formatted code with great commenting, and clarifying images. Plus a link to the source code. Fantastic job on this!"
Alan Carlos: "Great! Very detailed!"

Silver Award Winner

Ken CenerelliCreating an Microsoft Application Insights resourceAlan Carlos: "Great article!"
Ed Price: "Incredibly thorough how-to article!"
JH: "Application Insight is something everybody should have on his radar. Ken provides a nice article to get started."

Bronze Award Winner

Prashant MahajanAzure: MVC application to refer js from blobJH: "Nice alternative on deploying JavaScript on Azure. Worth a look in some deployment scenarios
Ed Price: "This is a great topic! Could be improved on with code formatting and a See Also section. Good article!"

Guru Award Miscellaneous Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

XAML guyConvert and Edit Microsoft Office Live Meeting RecordingsAlan Carlos: "Thanks XAML guy! Very yseful!"
Durval Ramos: "This article was "welcome", but "a little late". Simple and clear. Well done, Peter!"
Ed Price: "Fantastically crafted instructional guide!"
Richard Mueller: "Great information. Good use of article guidelines. I like the images."

Silver Award Winner

Andy ONeillSilverlight: Trouble Shooting InstallsAlan Carlos: "Cool Andy!"
Durval Ramos: "This article is very detailed, has a demo and use description in different browsers, but could change sections order or maybe split article: "What's Silverlight?" and "Trouble Shooting Installs". Well, one more time... Good job Andy!"
Ed Price: "Incredibly exhaustive with a lot of great supporting sections!"
Richard Mueller: "Good use of article guidelines, like "See Also" and TOC."

Bronze Award Winner

Tom MohanZen coding with Visual StudioDurval Ramos: "It would be welcome if added images and references about your use in VS"
Ed Price: "Great topic with some great code formatting! Could benefit from section headers and a See Also section. Very helpful article!"
Richard Mueller: "Very interesting. This tool could prove useful, once you get used to it."

Guru Award SharePoint 2010 / 2013 Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Murugesa PandianSimple understanding on SharePoint Provider Hosted App ModelJinchun Chen: "Nice article"
Hezequias Vasconcelos: ""
KB: "Please correct typos. I like the explanation on difference between app only permissions and user permissions"
Ed Price: "Great explanation! The diagrams are very helpful!"
Margriet Bruggeman: "Interesting start, but I feel this article needs a lot more work to become really useful. Not because the article is bad, but because of the fact that the topic is so complex."

Silver Award Winner

MelickJSOM List Operations in SharePoint Apps in a proper way (Provider Hosted and SharePoint Hosted)–CRUDMargriet Bruggeman: "Clean implementation of a very useful JS library. I really like this approach"
Hezequias Vasconcelos: "The sound is great content for development in SharePoint"
Ed Price: "Good topic with helpful code snippets! Could benefit from Headers, a TOC, and a See Also section. "

Bronze Award Winner

Michaelle de las AlasExpandable/Collapsible Headers Solution for SharePoint PagesHezequias Vasconcelos: "The page management and scheduled SharePoint content is a great resource."
Ed Price: "It's simple, well-written, and very helpful for the community! Could benefit from headers, a TOC, and a See Also section. Great topic!"
Margriet Bruggeman: "I like it. A useful idea that is easy to implement." 

Guru Award Small Basic Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Philip MuntsSmall Basic and the Raspberry PiMichiel Van Hoorn: "Wonderful idea and good write up. Would be cool so have something running with the "regular" Raspbian."
RZ: "This is incredible. Detailed step-by-step instructions and pictures/screenshots. Makes me want to jump up and try it myself now. But I will save it for a nice rainy day project to work with my boy. I am sure he will be all in awe!"

Silver Award Winner

Yan GrenierSmall Basic: Timeline for the gamesMichiel Van Hoorn: "Great advance article on timelines. Very usefull to those looking for more complex games."
RZ: "This is a difficult topic, especially for beginners. But Yan explained it very well with details and examples!"

Bronze Award Winner

Ed Price - MSFTSmall Basic on TechNet GalleryMichiel Van Hoorn: "Very useful "baseline" for those who want to blog / post."
RZ: "Very nice explanation of the TechNet Gallery"

Guru Award SQL BI and Power BI Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Jens VestergaardSSIS Script Task and Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) ScriptRB: "Great article, that applies to any kind of web content."
PT: "Good quick reference example. Thanks for submitting it."

Silver Award Winner

Ricardo LacerdaSSIS: Data maintenance with Microsoft Azure SQL DatabasePT: "This is a very complete tutorial on setting up CDC which makes the process quite clear. Thnaks"
RB: "Great article !"

Guru Award SQL Server General and Database Engine Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Visakh16Parsing Out Data From Flat File With Inconsistent Delimiters in SQL ServerDurval Ramos: "Very useful. Good job !"
Ed Price: "Fantastic job on the code formatting, in-depth descriptions, and robust use of images!"
AM: "Thanks for presenting multiple approaches to solve the problem. It would be good to see a second part describing the format file."
DRC: "This is a good article which provides different ways to import the data to SQL, But this article needs some modifications. Suggestions: • It would be helpful, if mentioned on which version of SQL server and Visual studio scenario was tested • We might encounter errors while using the format files, for example we get the below error if the format file doesn’t have blank space (character ) at the end of each line Msg 4862, Level 16, State 1, Line 10 Cannot bulk load because the file "C:\temp\good.fmt" could not be read. Operating system error code (null). • So it will be helpful if you can provide a sample format file and TSQL script along with the possible output which can be tested and compared. • The sample query and the format file is not yielding the right output. Screenshots shown in the article has invalid values (for example ID coulmn has invalid values). Format file need to be fixed to get the right data. • The format file under section “Files With Text Qualifiers” is also invalid and the data is not imported properly. • Implementation of import using the SSIS package needs more details about how to make the delimiter consistent, Attaching a sample package would be helpful. "

Guru Award System Center Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Noah StahlMake System Center Orchestrator Text Faster than a Teenager using PowerShell and TwilioEd Price: "Wow, I love the breakdown of sections. As Alan wrote in the comments, "Wow! Great article!""

Silver Award Winner

Mr XHow to educate your users to regularly reboot their Windows computersEd Price: "I love the table and use of code snippets and images! Great article!"

Guru Award Transact-SQL Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Saeid HasaniT-SQL: How to Sort a Column that Contains Character-Separated NumbersDurval Ramos: "Great article! The samples in this article are very enlightening."
Richard Mueller: "Good use of guidelines. Good images. Grammar needs work."

Silver Award Winner

Saeid HasaniT-SQL: Troubleshooting When a Column Alias that Created in the SELECT Clause Cannot be Used in the ORDER BY ClauseRichard Mueller: "Great use of article guidelines. I like the images and "See Also". Good explanation of an advanced topic."
Durval Ramos: "An interesting topic and also have T-SQL script on TNGallery, about related issue in MS Connect. Good job!"

Bronze Award Winner

sql-proT-SQL: SQL Server Agent Job Execution StatusDurval Ramos: "This article has interesting content, but needs to be better worked."
Richard Mueller: "A great idea. We may need more references/links."

Guru Award Visual Basic Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Reed KimbleSimple Multi-User TCP/IP Client & Server using TAPDurval Ramos: "This article offers a complete description about an TAP implementation and has a download code on MSDN Code. Good job!"
Richard Mueller: "I liked this article a lot. Good use of article guidelines. A lot of useful links, but some could be collected in an "Other Resources" section."

Silver Award Winner

.paul.Factorizing Quadratic Equations (practice and solver)Durval Ramos: "Very good. Well formatted article and has images that clarify how to work equations. "
Richard Mueller: "A fun article with good images."

Guru Award Visual C# Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Isham MohamedSetting custom Messages in user defined ExceptionsCarmelo La Monica: "Good articles and sample code!"
Jaliya Udagedara: "A short and to the point article. Answers a common problem."

Silver Award Winner

Tom Mohan.NET: Equality FeaturesJaliya Udagedara: "Great article. Has links to MSDN when needed. Definitely enjoyed reading."
Carmelo La Monica: "Article very detailed in all parts, congrats!"

Bronze Award Winner

Vithal WadjeConstructors and Its Types in C#Carmelo La Monica: "Well done in all its content , and very exhaustive of the types of constructors of a class"
Jaliya Udagedara: "Explains Constructors in detail. Please do format the code as Andy suggested."

Guru Award Wiki and Portals Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Davut ERENTurkish Ninjas Team Council CenterDurval Ramos: "Great collection of Turkish articles!!!"
Richard Mueller: "Amazing collection of links."
Ed Price: "Great job in using this article to build out Turkish content and encourage the community!"

Silver Award Winner

Alan do Nascimento CarlosTechNet Wiki - ImagesDurval Ramos: "Very useful for use in "Wiki Ninjas" Blog posts."
Richard Mueller: "A great collection of fun images."
Ed Price: "I can see this article being well used as we leverage these images in blog posts!"

Guru Award Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Damien AllanMake a Styled Button in XAML for Windows Universal AppsJH: "Styling has always been special in XAML-based applications. This article shows nicely how to style a button in Blend in universal apps."
Ed Price: "Great explanations and how-to content, with helpful images and code!"

Silver Award Winner

Carmelo La MonicaPart four: The control Maps on Windows Phone 8.JH: "Another article about working with the maps control in Windows Phone 8. Nice to see another one in this series."
Ed Price: "Fantastic and exhaustive explanation of the Maps control!"

Guru Award Windows PowerShell Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Noah StahlMake System Center Orchestrator Text Faster than a Teenager using PowerShell and TwilioAlan Carlos: "Wow! Great article! Congratulations!!!!"
Ed Price: "What a powerful solution with great details and helpful images!"

Silver Award Winner

Richard MuellerPowerShell Script to Search Active DirectoryEd Price: "This article is amazing, due to great details, a couple of helpful tables, lots of supporting images, and a plethora of related links at the end!"
Alan Carlos: "Very useful!!!"

Bronze Award Winner

Dan ChristianAdd MSG file metadata to a SharePoint list using PowerShellAlan Carlos: "Excellent!"
Ed Price: "I love the supplemental video and helpful images!"

Guru Award Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Andy ONeillUneventful MVVMEd Price: "Amazing depth on this article! I love the See Also and Other Resources sections! Astonishingly great article!"
Peter Laker: "Supurb article Andy. Nice work again."

Silver Award Winner

Magnus (MM8)WPF: Implementing Global Hot KeysEd Price: "I love the breakdown of sections and clear descriptions!"
Peter Laker: "Excellent topic and well explained Magnus!"

Bronze Award Winner

Tom MohanAsynchronous data binding using IsAsync and DelayPeter Laker: "Great tip Tom, thanks for your contribution!"
Ed Price: "Very valuable topic!"

Guru Award Windows Server Technical Guru - March 2015  

Gold Award Winner

Pierre-Alexandre BraekenActive Directory - Clone a Domain Controller in Windows Server 2012 with Hyper-V (VM-GenerationID)Mark Parris: "The principals of cloning a DC."
JM: "This is an excellent article on cloning a DC, nice work and thanks for the contribution."
Richard Mueller: "Excellent topic and great images."

Silver Award Winner

Mr XNetstat for BeginnersJM: "This is a great article on netstat, thanks for your contribution."
Richard Mueller: "Very good tutorial on this important tool. I like the images and tables."
Mark Parris: "Good Insight"

Bronze Award Winner

Pierre-Alexandre BraekenSet up a virtual infrastructure at home with Windows 8 + Hyper-V Manager and a Synology DS412jMark Parris: "Nice how to article."
JM: "Although not aimed at Windows Server users, this is also an excellent article."
Richard Mueller: "Extensive documentation for all the steps."

As mentioned above, runners up and comments were removed from this post, to fit into the forum's 60,000 character limit.

You will find the complete post, comments and feedback on the main announcement post.

Please join the discussion, add a comment, or suggest future categories.

If you have not yet contributed an article for this month, and you think you can write a more useful, clever, or better produced wiki article than the winners above,here's your chance! :D

Best regards,
Pete Laker

More about the TechNet Guru Awards:

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New button Users SearchScope



I created a search scope for active users, and I also created a navigation bar to be redirected to this searchscope but i don't have the new and delete button ? 

Is someone has any idea ? 


stopped server while running full synchronization of SQL MA


Hi Everyone,

I am facing an issue while running the FULL Synchronization of SQL MA and in that out of ten times it runs for 7 times but 3 times it gets failed.

What could be the bottle neck of the problem.

Request you to kindly help.


Aman Khanna

FIM 2010 SQL MA - Multi Valued Tables


Hello everyone,

i'm having a small issue trying to sync a multi valued attribute to my fim portal

here's the config :

2 SQL Tables :

Table 1 : has users and their personal information

View 1 : is a view i created that assembles the User ID, and User BusinessUnit --> this a multi valued view where each user can have multiple BUs

i think i followed the correct guidelines but i'm getting "invalid-attribute-value"errors on my import

the details sais that "The Attribute is not configured as a multi-value attribute"

what did i miss ? :s 

thanks a lots for any help and for more help here is a snapshot of my config

Hitch Bardawil

Projection Code help, MV extension


Currently we are using some code to project into the MV from on of our MA's based on extaqnsionAttribute.

I tried to add to this code to create a second qualifier, but it is now wanting both and when I try to project it to the MV tells me that it is missing.



if (csentry.ObjectType.Equals("group") &&
                Regex.Match(csentry["sAMAccountName"].Value, "SG-.+-Users").Success &&
                Regex.Match(csentry["sAMAccountName"].Value, "SG-*").Success &&



                MVObjectType ="group";



                                  MVObjectType ="unknown"



Is what I tried... I cant seem to find what I did wrong it worked

Russell Lema

get object target id in a workflow


When using the PowerShell activity (NOT the PowerShell Workflow Activity) in a workflow, how can I get an object ID?

I.e. with PowerShellWorkflowActivity you can use $fimwf.targetID but how can I do that in a normal Powershell activity?


FIM 2010 R2 License



I have one confusion which i am not able to clarify after going MS guide, forum and wiki.

Do I need windows CAL in addition with FIM CAL?

I am managing 1000 users via codeless provisioning. Do I need

1. 1000 FIM CAL and 1000 Windows CAL or

2. Just 1000 FIM User CAL?



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